Is it any good?11/11/2021 This summer, I had a really bad travel day as I flew from my hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia back to where I live here in Hawai'i. Fortunately, American Airlines put me up in a hotel (thanks!), but I was stuck in LA for an evening and a morning. In the morning, I made my way out to the streets near Venice Beach with my camera. I had never been to LA before. My photography is generally people or landscape based, so finding myself on the streets was a new experience that gave me an opportunity to work outside my typical comfort zone. There have been quite a few articles written about street photography. Is is a valuable art form? Can anyone just do it? What's the point? With those doubts in mind, I shot these photographs. I've stat on them for a number of months now. The truth is, I don't really understand what I've created. Some of the images, like the one with the lightbulb, I like a lot! Others, like the motorcycle, remind me of images I've seen in photography books but I don't really understand the artistic value. I suppose a large part of being an artist is having the mindset to stand confidently behind your work and say "Yes, this is art". For my music, this comes easily. Perhaps a horn and electronics piece will come out of these images someday. Perhaps not. I certainly need to spend some more time thinking about these pictures. Maybe I need to get stuck at LAX again? Make it happen American Airlines! (No please don't!)
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